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Fine liqueur made from the natural aromas of Madagascan vanilla.
Silver Medal at the Masters Liquor 2016 by the Spirits Business Magazine.
Degree : 20%
Country of Origin : France
Vanilla is a spice consisting of the fruit of certain tropical creeper orchids of Mesoamerican origin.
The plants cultivated for the production of vanilla are the only orchids cultivated for human consumption. To obtain a richly aromatic spice, the cultivation and processing of vanilla requires long and attentive care from farmers. This makes it, by weight, one of the highest value agricultural food products in the world.
It was the planters from Réunion who introduced, around 1880, the cultivation of vanilla to Madagascar. Today, Madagascar produces 60 to 80% of the vanilla in the world.
Lactose free
Gluten free
No preservative
Pure on ice or in cocktails.
with Vanille de Madagascar
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